
Parents, teachers and daycare providers, in following the guidelines for keeping the flu at bay, may be unwittingly causing a bigger problem. I began to see them a few years ago. Children with red, swollen hands, littered with bleeding cracks and scales.

"We are supposed to sing Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star and not stop washing our hands until the song is over," a boy told me. "Do you think it is contagious? We've been having him wash with antibacterial soap. Several other kids in his class have the same thing," said his mother.

Important insights into the wrinkles, spots, bruises and other skin challenges that come with getting older. The topic of aging skin is usually addressed only when someone is trying to sell you something. Talk of the natural changes that occur in our largest organ often get drowned out in this age of Botox and lasers. As we age, we see and feel certain changes in our skin.  The skin becomes drier, wrinkled, also spots and warty growths appear.

I am part dermatologist, part broken record. “Wear your sunscreen” is a mantra I repeat endlessly throughout the day. I even once remember saying it Spanish in a dream when I was learning the language. Most people just nod their head politely and go right outside into the sun without a second thought to my words of warning. But I do have patients give me their rebuttals from time to time. I want to share with you some of my favorites.