October 2013

Melanoma Is The Deadliest Cancer

You have heard the message by now: Melanoma is deadly. You also probably know that it is the fastest growing cancer in the United States and that one American every hour dies from melanoma. Millimeter for millimeter, it is the deadliest cancer. Rather than bore you with statistics on this horrid disease, allow me to share with you some fascinating background on it you may not have heard before.

Allergic Skin Reactions

“Anybody can become allergic to anything at any time.” These were the wise words of man I trained under who specialized in allergic skin reactions. I find myself repeating this mantra daily. Usually when a mystery rash has crept into one’s life, human nature tends to blame anything new. Was it the new shampoo? New kitten? Spray the yard guy used? Or the (insert new event/product here)? After all why would your tried and true products suddenly turn on you? If eliminating the new exposure doesn’t cause the rash to disappear, you should consider an allergy to an old product. The product didn’t change. You did.