Vita Dermatology Blog

[caption id="attachment_956" align="alignright" width="400"]Female Hair Loss Hair loss is more common in older ladies but, since it is largely hormonal driven, can really be seen in any age. It is not uncommon to see the beginnings of genetic and hormonal hair loss in women as young as thirty.[/caption]

Female Hair Loss

What does a bald guy know about hair loss treatments? It is a fair question and one you may have asked if you glanced at my photo. Well losing my hair in my early twenties has spawned an appetite for the topic, if not a healthy dose of vengeance towards the process. As life altering as it was for me though, I still cannot imagine how devastating going bald is to a woman. At least I had icons like Michael Jordan and Andre Agassi to pave the way for me. Can you name a famous bald woman? Society accepts baldness on the male but still does a double take if a female walks by with a shiny head. Often people assume the woman is having health issues.

[caption id="attachment_940" align="alignright" width="300"]President Kennedy & Addison’s Disease Behind JFK's perpetual tanned skin, there was actually an underlying autoimmune disease.[/caption]

President Kennedy & Addison’s

Next month marks the 50th anniversary of both the Whiskeytown National Park dedication by John F. Kennedy and his subsequent assassination shortly after. It’s difficult to pen anything regarding JFK that people haven’t read a hundred times over. I hope to change that here.

President Kennedy seemed the image of youth and vigor in an office traditionally held by men physically way beyond their prime but valued for their experience and gravitas. JFK broke the mold with his full head of hair, movie star smile, and perpetual tanned skin. It is the perpetual tan that gives away his underlying fragility. One could be forgiven for assuming he tanned from long weekends on the yacht.

Melanoma Is The Deadliest Cancer

You have heard the message by now: Melanoma is deadly. You also probably know that it is the fastest growing cancer in the United States and that one American every hour dies from melanoma. Millimeter for millimeter, it is the deadliest cancer. Rather than bore you with statistics on this horrid disease, allow me to share with you some fascinating background on it you may not have heard before.

Allergic Skin Reactions

“Anybody can become allergic to anything at any time.” These were the wise words of man I trained under who specialized in allergic skin reactions. I find myself repeating this mantra daily. Usually when a mystery rash has crept into one’s life, human nature tends to blame anything new. Was it the new shampoo? New kitten? Spray the yard guy used? Or the (insert new event/product here)? After all why would your tried and true products suddenly turn on you? If eliminating the new exposure doesn’t cause the rash to disappear, you should consider an allergy to an old product. The product didn’t change. You did.

Bruising In Older Patients

“I promise I don’t beat him” chuckled the ninety-one pound octogenarian about her husband’s black and blue forearms and hands.

I have been surprised with how much concern and worry there is around bruising of the forearms in my older patients. I personally have distinct memories of my grandparents’ arms being black and blue at times; sometimes with little tears. I think I just assumed everyone knew this was not unusual. Granted it does not happen to everyone. But it is so common that I was always a little perplexed when patients seem confounded by it. But one day I asked, “I understand you are concerned. But don’t you have friends your age that this is happening to also?” And the man’s answer put it all in perspective for me: “Yes, but I never figured it would happen to me!”

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Sometimes truth and everyday reality is stranger than fiction. Had someone told me that someday I would be discussing one-eyed cyclopean sheep and sonic hedgehogs with my skin cancer patients, I would have laughed. But alas! Dermatologists are now sharing the bizarre tale of these creatures with patients diagnosed with complicated forms of a common skin cancer called Basal Cell Carcinoma.

Forget The Teen Cleansers And Find Out How To Treat Adult Acne Effectively

“But I never had acne as a teenager!” says the distraught 30-year-old woman.

Oh, how often those exact words are uttered in my office. Acne is a normal part of adolescence and something you will eventually outgrow, right? Conventional wisdom says that adults have cancer and heart disease to worry about, not pimples. For many women, though, the breakouts do not start until adulthood.

Does Aspirin Decrease Melanoma Risk? Data Show It Might

Doctors have been prescribing it for decades for its protective cardiovascular properties. Millions of beating hearts are benefiting from it right now. Its ability to relieve pain and fever is so well known that “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning” is engrained in our psyche.

Skin Cancer Phone App

Would you trust a smartphone app to spot your melanoma? Apps do about everything fairly well, so why wouldn’t you?

The Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology reports that 3 out of the 4 apps designed to detect melanoma fail miserably when put to the test. The three that failed were all based on automatic algorithms. The best score among of these types of apps misidentified a startling 30 percent of melanoma as benign lesions. One program found only 7 percent of confirmed images of melanoma to be rated as “suspicious.” The only app to score well sent the image to a board certified dermatologist who evaluated the image. (No, it was not me and I do not know this individual).