Medical Dermatology Tag

Doctor Finds Another Possible Deadly Health Problem Associated With Agent Orange

As if veterans exposed to Agent Orange needed another thing to worry about, a new study published in the February issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery identifies a potential new connection between certain types of skin cancers and exposure to Agent Orange.

There's Help For Excessive Sweating

Hands down, there is nothing a dermatologist can do more to help someone's quality of life than stop their excessive sweating.

If you find that statement ridiculous, you probably do not have a sweating problem. Excessive sweating can make you appear uncomfortable, nervous or even ill. It can be a socially disabling condition and lead to isolation and insecurity. An estimated 3 percent of Americans suffer through the day trying to hide and mask their sweating. The incidence is possibly higher, but the degree of embarrassment people experience likely limits self-reporting of this condition.