Skin Care Information

Both psoriasis and eczema (or atopic dermatitis) cause red, scaly skin rashes and can occur on the same parts of the body which is why sometimes people confuse one for the other. They do have somewhat different symptoms so a dermatologist is the best person to diagnose which skin condition it is and how to treat it. Here are some of the characteristics of psoriasis and eczema and how to tell the difference between the two:

Large Breasts And Sweat Issues

Big breasts and summer sometimes do not mix well in the North State. I am not talking about falling out of your bikini at Shasta Lake either. I’m talking about boob sweat. Boob sweat may sound funny to some, but enough women seek medical advise on it for me to write this article. Embarrassing as armpit stains can be to both sexes, boob sweat carries the added insult of rashes, irritation and yeast overgrowth. One of my patients laments that her “melons become watermelons” in June.

What’s the Nit-Picking Problem?

Another child and distraught mother materialized right at closing time this week. “He cannot go back to school until it is treated!" the tired working mother bemoaned. Head lice are the scourge of grade schools everywhere, from the ritziest private schools on down. And they are not going anywhere anytime soon. While harmless to the kid, adults go berserk—casting glances of judgment upon the family and banning the child from school and social events. Parents take it particularly hard and are start harboring deep feelings of guilt and question how hygienic their homes and housekeeping skills really are.

Doctor Finds Another Possible Deadly Health Problem Associated With Agent Orange

As if veterans exposed to Agent Orange needed another thing to worry about, a new study published in the February issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery identifies a potential new connection between certain types of skin cancers and exposure to Agent Orange.

Most Of Us Carry Neanderthal Genes

Apparently about 50,000 years ago, a few amorous Homo sapiens gazed across the campfire at a few receptive Neanderthals and decided to mix genetic material. Out of all the early humanoids to walk this earth, we are the only surviving species. The prospect of interbreeding between the two species has long been debated and subject of science fiction. But now we have proof that not only did interspecies breeding occur, but most of us carry Neanderthal genes. In fact every time you look in the mirror, more Neanderthal than Homo sapien may be looking back.

[caption id="attachment_974" align="alignright" width="300"]Nail Fungus Treatments Toenail fungus plagues about 12% of Americans. Some are genetically prone to getting it; and therefore will probably get it again despite the best of treatments.[/caption]

Nail Fungus

In medicine, just as in life, things are not always what they appear to be. Chances are that if you have a funky looking or off-color toenail, someone has helpfully informed you it is fungus. If they are very helpful, they even mentioned that your doctor has a pill for it. The cause of distorted nails is myriad. We see frustrated patients who have been shelling out co pays for medications but just “can’t seem to get rid of this fungus!”

Toenail fungus plagues about 12% of Americans. Some are genetically prone to getting it; and therefore will probably get it again despite the best of treatments. Going barefoot, being an athlete, and having a weak immune system are other risk factors. Fungi love warm dark moist places, be it old rotting logs in the forest or your earthy smelling sneakers.

[caption id="attachment_965" align="alignright" width="300"]The Bleach Cure The New York Times published an article on a medical breakthrough for a type of fatal skin infection called necrotizing fasciitis, aka, "Flesh-eating bacteria". The secret ingredient? Purified diluted bleach.[/caption]

The "Miracle" Bleach Cure

Sometimes the stars align and the universe continually puts things in front of you until you take notice. Over the past few months patients have been raving about a new product they’ve bought from veterinarians and equestrian outlets. This miracle product "kills everything" they say. Marketed for uncomplicated skin infections, this product promotes a cure for well…just about everything. Got ringworm? Sores? Abscesses? Skin Rot? Then this $35 a bottle product is for you! (It is not hard to imagine the old Patent Medicine Salesman circa 1900 barking out the same promises to a local rubes). What is this miracle product you ask? I actually chuckled out loud when I read it: Diluted bleach.

Allergic Skin Reactions

“Anybody can become allergic to anything at any time.” These were the wise words of man I trained under who specialized in allergic skin reactions. I find myself repeating this mantra daily. Usually when a mystery rash has crept into one’s life, human nature tends to blame anything new. Was it the new shampoo? New kitten? Spray the yard guy used? Or the (insert new event/product here)? After all why would your tried and true products suddenly turn on you? If eliminating the new exposure doesn’t cause the rash to disappear, you should consider an allergy to an old product. The product didn’t change. You did.

Bruising In Older Patients

“I promise I don’t beat him” chuckled the ninety-one pound octogenarian about her husband’s black and blue forearms and hands.

I have been surprised with how much concern and worry there is around bruising of the forearms in my older patients. I personally have distinct memories of my grandparents’ arms being black and blue at times; sometimes with little tears. I think I just assumed everyone knew this was not unusual. Granted it does not happen to everyone. But it is so common that I was always a little perplexed when patients seem confounded by it. But one day I asked, “I understand you are concerned. But don’t you have friends your age that this is happening to also?” And the man’s answer put it all in perspective for me: “Yes, but I never figured it would happen to me!”

Forget The Teen Cleansers And Find Out How To Treat Adult Acne Effectively

“But I never had acne as a teenager!” says the distraught 30-year-old woman.

Oh, how often those exact words are uttered in my office. Acne is a normal part of adolescence and something you will eventually outgrow, right? Conventional wisdom says that adults have cancer and heart disease to worry about, not pimples. For many women, though, the breakouts do not start until adulthood.