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[caption id="attachment_940" align="alignright" width="300"]President Kennedy & Addison’s Disease Behind JFK's perpetual tanned skin, there was actually an underlying autoimmune disease.[/caption]

President Kennedy & Addison’s

Next month marks the 50th anniversary of both the Whiskeytown National Park dedication by John F. Kennedy and his subsequent assassination shortly after. It’s difficult to pen anything regarding JFK that people haven’t read a hundred times over. I hope to change that here.

President Kennedy seemed the image of youth and vigor in an office traditionally held by men physically way beyond their prime but valued for their experience and gravitas. JFK broke the mold with his full head of hair, movie star smile, and perpetual tanned skin. It is the perpetual tan that gives away his underlying fragility. One could be forgiven for assuming he tanned from long weekends on the yacht.

What Are Shingles?

If you are over 60, chances are that your doctor has immunized you with the shingles vaccine or counseled you to get it. At least that is what the folks at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta hope will happen. But even the best laid medical plans go awry in our world of managed care, cost shifting, and vaccine phobia.