Cold Sore Outbreaks

Avoid Causes And Shorten Cold Sore Outbreaks You probably have heard by now that the cold sores on your lip are a form of herpes. This is true. While classically not associated with the same strain that causes genital herpes, there are ever increasing rates of crossover infections. In the interest of clarity, I am […]

Ticks And Lyme Disease

Ticks And Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease In Northern California No summer dermatology series would be complete without a few words on ticks and Lyme disease. While relatively uncommon in the north state, Lyme disease is here and likely gaining ground. Traditionally, we think of Lyme disease as being an East Coast problem, but it is now found across 48 […]

Excessive Sweating

Suffering From Excessive Sweating

There’s Help For Excessive Sweating Hands down, there is nothing a dermatologist can do more to help someone’s quality of life than stop their excessive sweating. If you find that statement ridiculous, you probably do not have a sweating problem. Excessive sweating can make you appear uncomfortable, nervous or even ill. It can be a […]

The New Sunscreen Rules

Sorting Out The New Rules On Sunscreen Is an SPF of 100 better than 50? What do the terms waterproof, water resistant and broad spectrum really mean? If you are confused, you are not alone. After a lot of arm wrestling back and forth, the FDA finalized its sweeping new sunscreen guidelines for consumers and […]